11 29, 2022ANIFTY marketplace update

New features and information added to ANIFTY
ANIFTY is committed to improving its website in response to requests from creators and collectors.
We have now added and changed the following most requested features.
1. improved marketplace search functionality
2. improvements on menu items
3. other functions.
For more information, please see below.
ANIFTY will continue to make improvements to the website to make it easier to use.
1. Improved marketplace search functionality

1. Profile cards display added
Switching between the 'NFTS' and 'Profiles' buttons at the top of the search pane allows you to view NFTs by work and by Profile (creators or collectors).
2. You can now search by creator name or artwork title
Now it is much easier to find artworks by your favorite creator's name and artwork title.
3. Tags can be used to search
At the moment, many past artworks are not tagged, so a tag search may yield no hits.
Creators can change or add tags to past creations.
A list of available tags will be shared soon.
2. Improvements on menu items
The menu at the top of the screen on all pages has been renewed.
Click "..." at the top of the screen and you can find a new menu.
We have added
"Buy NFTs" to let you know how to purchase NFTs,
"Sell NFTs" to let you know how to apply for a certified creator on ANIFTY,
"Frequently Asked Questions",
"Latest News"for news and informations from ANIFTY,
and some more pages.
More content will be added in the future, so do keep watching out!
3. Other functions
1. the "Share" button is added
We have added the "Share" button to the creator's page and artwork page.
Please share your favorite artworks and creators on your Twitter and other social media!
2. You can add more description on artoworks
In response to requests from creators, the number of words has been increased to enable them to explain their thoughts on their artwork and the background to their artwork in more detail.