01 31, 2023Release of new features January 2023 ANIFTY marketplace update
Release of new features January 2023
ANIFTY is planning to add more features to accompany the requests from our valued users.
We have now added and changed the following features.
1. Bookmark your favorite creators and collectors and check them from your "My Page"
2. Like the artworks and check them from your "My Page"
3. Show the list of collectors on a creator's profile page
4. Filter and sort of collected / created artworks on the profile page
For more information, please see below.
ANIFTY will continue to make improvements to the website.
Please post your request to our forum on our Discord.
1. Bookmark your favorite creators and collectors and check them from your "My Page"

You can now bookmark (like) your favorite creators and collectors by pressing the "bookmark" button on their profile page.
You can see the list of profiles on "Favorite profiles" tab on "My Page".
We are planning to implement "notificaiton email" feature near future.
You will be notified of new release of artwork by your favorite creators via emails.
You can check other user's Favorite Profiles as well!
2. Like the artworks and check them from your "My Page"

You can now like your favorite artworks by pressing the "heart" button on the artwork page.
You can see the list of your liked artworks on the "Liked" tab on "My Page".
You can check other user's favorite artworks too!
3. Show the list of collectors on a creator's profile page

This feature is not only for our creators but also for our collectors.
You can now see the list of collectors of a creator on their profile page.
If you are a creator, you can see who have bought your artworks.
If you are a collector, you can see who have the similar interest of anime art.
So, please check what kind of artworks your fellow fans of the creator have collected.
You may be able to encounter your new favorite creators!
4. Filter and sort of collected / created artworks on the profile page

We have added filters and sort options on "Created" and "Collected" tabs on the profile page.
The options are: "All" and "Sold out" for the availability, "List Date: Newest" and "List Date: Oldest" for the Sort order.
Please check out your favorite creator's valuable artworks!