03 14, 2023Release of new features March 2023 ANIFTY marketplace update
Release of new features March 2023
We have now added and changed the following features.
1. Creators/Collectors can add upto 3 portfolio website URLs to "My Page"
2. Creators can sell upto 100 editions of a new artwork
3. A reset button to reset the filters on marketplace search is available
4. A new "Blog" website is open
For more information, please see below.
ANIFTY will continue to make improvements to the website.
Please post your request to our forum on our Discord.
Creators/Collectors can add upto 3 portfolio website URLs to "My Page"

Creators and Collectors now can add upto 3 portfolio website urls to your profile.
To add your websites, please click the edit (spana) button on your "My Page" and add website urls on Edit profile page.
You can add up to 3 websites.
Creators can sell upto 100 editions of a new artwork

Creators now can set the availabilities of an artwork from 1 (min) to 100 (max).
Some collectors prefer rarelity of the artwork, so please consider the number of editions you provide with per artowrk carefully.
* this option is available only for the list price sale. The available edition of an auction sale is always 1.
A reset button is available now to reset the filters on marketplace search

A "Reset" button is made available to reset marketplace search filters and the sort order.
After searching with multiple search criteria, it was a hassle to cancel the search criteria, but now the reset button cancels all search criteria and you can now quickly start new search.
A new "Blog" website is open

ANIFTY Blog is now open!
You can go to ANIFTY blog website from the menu "blog" link, or go to https://blog.anifty.jp/
We have Japanese blog articles only to start with, but English articles will be available soon.
So please stay tuned!