04 12, 2023Release of new features April 2023 ANIFTY marketplace update
Release of new features April 2023
We have now added and changed the following features.
1. Email notification feature
2. Display tags on the artwork pages.
For more information, please see below.
ANIFTY will continue to make improvements to the website.
Please post your request to our forum on our Discord.
Email notification feature

You can now register your email address to get notification emails for your sales/purchase activities.
You can also get informed of new artworks listed by your favorite creators.
Please go to My Page to register your email address.
You will receive email notifications for the following situations:
For creators:
- when your artowrk is sold
- when your artwork gets first auction bid
- when an auction finishes
For all users:
- when you buy artwork.
- when you make a bid to an auction
- when you get overriding auction bids
- when your favorite creators list new artwork
You can always remove the registered email address from the "Edit profile" page to stop email notifications.
Display tags on the artwork pages.

We have added a lot of tags over the past year to allow creators to associate keywords with new and existing artwork for a better search experience.
You can now find the tags assigned to artwork on each artwork page.
By clicking on the tag link, you can find artwork with the same tag.
Let's find artworks that suit your taste.
Creators are encouraged to take this opportunity to add keyword tags to the artwork to describe their work.
Up to five tags can be added to each artwork.
There is no gas charge to change tags.